Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blue Solaize Leek

Beautiful French heirloom, truly blue-colored leaves that turn violet after a cold spell. Very large, 15-20" stalks, sweet medium-long shaft, extremely hardy. Good for short-season areas and winter harvest. 100-120 days from transplant.
Planting Instructions: Start seedlings indoors 4-6 weeks before transplanting. Sow seeds in flats 1/4" deep and spaced 1" in all directions. Transplant as soon as soil can be worked in early spring.
Seed Saving Instructions: Biennial. Onions cross-pollinate and should by isolated by 1 mile from other onions going to seed. Select only the best bulbs for seed. Bulbs store 3-6 months at 32-45 degrees F. Plant out bulbs in early spring and allow them to form seed heads. when heads start to dry, cut off, dry further and thresh.

1 comment:

Rex Krajewski said...

Sowed seeds indoors 19 January 2009