Basil - Siam Queen (Thai) is a beautiful form of basil that grows about 2 1/2 feet high and around. The scent and taste are different from sweet basil with more licorice flavor. Thai basil is used in all types of Thai cooking as well as other Asian and middle eastern cultures. It has large flowers that form in a cluster as opposed to the long spikes on the other basils. One of the most beautiful and delicious basil varieties.
Thai Basil can grow in areas that get about 4-5 hours of sun per day. This basil is annual like sweet basil so the flowers must be removed occasionally to keep leaf production going. This is a vigorous growing basil and the plants get very large so give it lots of room.
To harvest, cut about a third of the branch from the top, down to where a new set of leaves is beginning to grow.Special Directions for Short Season Climates
SOWING: Start seeds indoors in flats or peat pots, or sow directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed and weather has warmed. Cover seed with 1/8 inch fine soil.
SPACING: Leave about 12 to 18 inches apart in rows or use in group plantings
THINNING AND TRANSPLANTING: Thin or transplant seedlings 8 to 10 inches apart outdoors when 2 to 3 inches tall after danger of frost has passed and weather has warmed.
GERMINATION: 1 to 2 weeks depending upon soil and weather conditions. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
Ed's Special Advice
Siam Queen can be grown in the landscape, or on the patio in containers, alone or alongside other herbs. Don't plant Basil outside too early if the weather is cold and wet. It grows best in a sunny location in fairly rich, somewhat moist, well drained soil. Use leaves sparingly at first, more so as plants grow, pinching back shoots to encourage bushiness and discourage flowering. New shoots can be harvested for several months depending upon climate and growing conditions.
Seeds started indoors on 15 February 2009.
A few seeds germinated 20 February 2009.
Started more seeds indoors 24 February 2009.
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