5-6" pods each contain 3-5 large, 1", fresh green shell beans. Favas prefer cool, mild conditions and are suitable for spring and fall sowings. Avoid hot weather. Excellent sautÈed with garlic. Dry beans are light brown. Packet: 50 seeds. |
Plant Cycle: (A) Days to Maturity or Bloom: 75 |
Growing Information:
CULTURE: Plant at pea planting time, as early as the soil can be worked in spring, 1" deep, 4-6" apart, in rows 18-36" apart. Where winter lows stay above 10°F (-12°C) sow in September. Pick for green shelling when beans are plump inside the large pods. DISEASES and PESTS: Control aphids, responsible for the spread of viral diseases that cause leaf blackening, especially apparent during hot weather. AVG. SEEDING RATE: 90'/lb., 11 lb./1,000', 160 lb./acre at 3' row spacing. SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: AVG. 275. PACKET: 3 oz. (avg. 50 seeds.)
Fava beans (Vicia faba) are not in the same genus as other garden beans (Phaseolus). Their origin is reportedly the Mediterranean region and their history dates back to at least Biblical times. Favas are commonly used in Middle Eastern, Greek and Italian cooking.
They can be used small (just as the pods begin to fill) as you would green or snap beans. They are primarily used as a green shelled bean and cooked in salted water. As a dry bean, they can be harvested as the pods begin to turn black.
Favas prefer well drained, fertile soil and do not do well in hot weather. They are typically planted in fall or winter and finished by early summer. As a rule of thumb, plant them and grow in the same time period as you would English or garden peas. Plant in blocks, or two to three rows together, to help prevent the plants from falling over.
Some people cook the upper leaves of the plant like spinach. It should be noted that some people may have an allergic reaction to uncooked fava beans. The presumed toxins are eliminated by cooking.
Although they have been in cultivation in many parts of the world for centuries, favas are relatively new to the North American farm, garden and market.
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