45-60 days — One of the largest early varieties that will keep shape until fall. Tops can reach 16 inches. Roots are uniform shape, smooth skinned, and flattened heart shaped.
"Egyptian" beet varieties were developed in Germany in the 1860s. The "Crosby" strain originated from the efforts of Josiah Crosby, an Arlington, Massachusetts market gardener who selected to retain the earliness, increase the depth, and remove the roughness of 'Flat Egyptian.' It was introduced commercially in 1885 by James J. H. Gregory of Marblehead, Massachusetts. This heirloom beet originated in Germany and is reputed to be the most widely grown beet in the world. The large, flattened beets are grown primarily above the soil but the skins don't get the toughness of the upper portions of some beets. Beets are very sweet and early without any "earthy" taste.
1 comment:
Direct sow in cold frame 26 March 2009.
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