Monday, March 09, 2009

Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress

Annual. Try this garden cress with curly ruffled leaves for its tangy peppery crunch that gives a crisp zing to salads and sandwiches - a great way to jazz up meals. Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress has been an overwhelming hit with many cress connoisseurs and baby leaf lettuce producers since it was developed by Frank Morton's creative organic breeding. Similar to watercress, it is a cross between a broad leaf and a curly cress, but with more intense piquancy. Its crisp upright leaves make for easy cutting. Forget about using parsley as a garnish! Replaced it with these frilly beauties. Very unique! Baby leaves can be cut as early as 21 days after sowing. Very slow to bolt. May also be grown indoors on a sunny windowsill.

When to plant outside: After average last frost date.

When to start inside: Spring, 3-4 weeks before average last frost. Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. May also be grown indoors on a sunny windowsill.

Special Germination Instructions: Requires light to germinate. Do not cover seeds. Press lightly into soil.

Harvesting: Harvesting of baby leaves can begin as soon as the true leaves appear. Snip off with a pair of scissors. In mild winter climates, it’s best to harvest during the cooler parts of the year. Plants growing during warm temperatures or plants that have bolted (produced a flower stalk) may be too bitter to eat.

White Lisbon Bunching Onions

Growing bunching onions (also known as scallions, spring onions, or green onions) from seed is amazingly easy. The entire plant is edible, and onion lovers can’t resist their juicy sweet green tops, delicate stems, and small globe-shaped white bulbs. White Lisbon has been a popular variety for decades, because it produces vigorously and reliably in widely varying conditions. It thrives in a wide range of soils, is heat and cold tolerant, and can be planted in spring, later summer or fall. For the finest quality, pencil-thin onions, sow seed thickly and do not thin. This packet plants: One 40-foot row.

When to plant outside: RECOMMENDED. Early spring, (as soon as the soil can be worked) for summer harvest, summer for fall use and fall for spring use (in mild climates).

When to start inside: Not recommended.

Nancy's Saved Hot Pepper

These are an ancho type chile pepper; possibly ancho san luis.

Purple Top White Globe Turnip

These organic turnip seeds produce sweet, colorful, mild-tasting roots that add flavor to a variety of dishes. High in Vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients, they can be cooked like mashed potatoes, added to soups, shredded or sliced fresh for salads, and can even be eaten raw like apples. The leafy green tops of turnips are even more nutritious than the roots and are considered to be one of the best-flavored greens you can eat. With so many uses, the turnip is unjustifiably a forgotten vegetable that should be in more gardens! For the most tender texture and best flavor, harvest the greens when they are young and tender and the roots when they are no more than 2” in diameter. Leave 4” of foliage remaining to allow the roots to continue to grow. This variety of turnip stores particularly well, adding even more length to your cool-season vegetable repertoire.

When to plant outside: RECOMMENDED. Early spring, 3 to 4 weeks before the average last frost or when soil temperatures reach 45 degrees. You can do successive plantings every 3 weeks until heat of summer in warm climates. In USDA zone 8 or warmer, plant in early fall through early spring for a winter supply.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lemon Balm Melissa

Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 5-9)
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime Ease of Germination: Easy

Fresh leaves burst of lemon when squeezed. A truly delightful tea made from the dried leaves is our favourite anytime tea as it both stimulates the heart and calms the nerves. We urge everyone to try it. Fresh chopped leaves are also interesting in salads, soups and stews. Proven effective against herpes.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Nigra Hollyhock

Planting Depth:¼"
Direct Sow:After danger of frost
Start Indoors:6-8 weeks before last frost
Days to Germination:12-21

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Castor Bean

Sow castor bean from seed either outdoors directly in the soil after all danger of frost has passed or indoors six to eight weeks before your region's last average frost date.
Soak the seed for 24 hours in warm water, then plant it 1 inch deep.
Plant outdoors in full sun. Castor bean needs rich, deep, well-drained soil, so it's a good idea to work in a spadeful or two of compost to a depth of 2 feet or more.
Keep soil evenly moist. Mulching is a good idea.
Trim faded flowers to promote longer bloom.
Fertilize every four to six weeks or work in a slow-release fertilizer (or plenty of compost) at planting time.
Stake if needed. Castor bean grows 3 to 6 feet tall, depending on growing conditions, and 2 to 4 feet wide.
Tear out and discard plants after frost fells them in fall in zones 2 to 7 of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (see In zones 8 to 11, castor bean can be treated as a perennial. Cut back each fall.

Delphinium Mix

Hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Height: 48 inches
  • Ideal for: Border, Cut Flower


Exclusive. A delighted T&M customer discovered this uniquely colored Larkspur. Attractive violet and white striped and splashed blooms smother tall, free flowering stems. Beautiful plants for growing towards the back of borders, or as an intriguing cut flower. Height 90-120cm (3-4 feet).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:spring or late fall zones 3-7, late summer/early autumn zones 8-10
Sowing depth:3mm (1/8in) deep in rows 30cm (12in) apart.

Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing. When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 23cm (9in) apart.

Alternatively, sow in late summer in 7.5cm (3in) pots in a cool greenhouse and then overwinter plants in cool, well lit conditions. Plant out the following spring after all risk of frost.

Bartow Columbine

Hardy Herbaceous Perennial

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Height: 30 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Border


A breeding breakthrough! The result of merging a full range of top quality Aquileglas, all selected for form, color and the best fragrance. Ideal for adding sweet "scentsation" to any border.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:late winter to early summer

Sow on the surface of lightly firmed, moist seed sowing mix in pots or trays. Do not cover the seed. Keep at a temperature of between 15-20C (59-68F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the mix moist but not waterlogged; germination can take 1-3 months.

Sometimes slow to germinate. If no germination after 8 weeks, pre-chill for 3 weeks.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3 inch)pots or trays. Gradually acclimatize young plants to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, but at least 8 weeks before first fall frost, 23-30cm (9 to 12 inches) apart.

Aftercare Instructions

For best results, provide any ordinary, well-drained soil in full sun.


Hardy Herbaceous Perennial

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Part shade
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Height: 18 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Border, Cottage Garden


Most unusual for an Aquilegia! Spurless, nodding flowers in shades of pink and purple which, when viewed from the behind, resemble a Clematis. Rarely offered from seed and something different for the cottage or perennial garden

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors in late winter to early summer

Surface sow in trays, pots, etc of good well draining seed sowing mix in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 65-70F (18-20C). Sometimes slow to germinate. If no germination after 8 weeks, pre-chill for 3 weeks.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle. When plants have grown large enough, harden off and plant out 12in apart in moist well drained soil, sun or part shade, after last frost but at least 8 weeks before first fall frost.

Aftercare Instructions

Prefers a moist, well drained soil.

Wild Columbine

Aquilegia flabellata Rosea

Hardy Perennial

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Height: 8 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Border, Containers, Rockery


Extremely dwarf plants with attractive, nodding, rose-pink and cream flowers against unusual blue-green, fan shaped foliage. Ideal for planting at the front of borders or in containers and rock gardens. Height 15-20cm (6-8 inches).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:late winter to early summer

Sow seed on the surface of lightly firmed, moist seed sowing mix in pots or trays. Do not cover the seed. Seal container inside a plastic bag and keep at a temperature of between 15-20C (59-68F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the mix moist but not waterlogged; germination can take 1 to 3 months.

Sometimes slow to germinate. If no germination after 8 weeks, pre-chill for 3 weeks.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3in) pots or trays. Plant out once plants are well grown, 23-30cm (9-12in) apart, after last spring frost and at least 8 weeks before first fall frost.

Aftercare Instructions

For best results, provide any ordinary, well-drained soil in full sun. Aquilegia canadensis seeds should be hand-sown into germination trays in greenhouse temperatures of 21o to 24oC (70o to 75oF). Germination will take place within 3 to 4 weeks, and supplemental lighting is not necessary. Soil in the germination trays must be kept evenly moist during germination. Fertilization may damage the foliage, so avoid application while in germination trays.

Seedlings can be transplanted into plug cells following a 3-4 week period of root development. Plugs will need to be cut back to allow for air circulation over the media surface. Approximately 2 weeks prior to outplanting, plants should be exposed to lower greenhouse, or frost-free outdoor, temperatures.

Although red columbine prefers soils that are well drained, loose, and slightly acidic, it will grow in medium that is loose and has a mixture of organic matter. It will not bloom during the first growing season.

Germination procedures can begin in August and as late as November. Outplanting should take place in the spring (April).

Draq Queen Eyelashes

Centaurea montana--Mountain Bluet

Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8
Height: 24 in Spread: 18 in
Type: herbaceous perennial
Flowers: Blue, white, pink (Vis. 1).

Comments: These are easy to grow plants that can spread
rapidly. Provide some support to keep plants from
flopping over and cut them back after they flower. The
plant may be a suitable choice for alkaline soils.
Shearing the plants after the first flush of bloom will
encourage another round of flowering.

Propagation: The plants are propagated by seed or
division with division preferred. Cuttings may be started
in September. Division is done in the spring. Early
blooming Centaurea are divided in autumn and late bloomers
in spring. The seed germinates in 3 to 4 weeks at 65 to
70 degrees and is usually planted directly into the
garden. Basal growths may be rooted in June and July.


Hardy Perennial

  • Flowers: Summer to Autumn
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Height: 18 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Flowers in first year
  • Ideal for: Border, Cut Flower


An outstanding variety, which often flowers in the first year from sowing. Mid-height plants produce masses of fiery red blooms surrounded by a ring of rich flame yellow. Can be used as annual bedding, or year after year as a perennial. Excellent for beds and borders; flowers in first year from seed.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:February to April.

Germinate at 20-30C (68-86F) on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination which usually takes 14-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into trays or 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart.

Aftercare Instructions

Prefers a well drained soil in full sun or semi shade.

Empress of India Nasturtium

Hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Sun or part shade
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 9 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Edible flowers
  • Ideal for: Baskets, Bedding, Border, Children, Containers


Deep velvety crimson flowers against dark foliage.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Outdoors after last frost when soil has warmed or indoors in peat pots 2-4 weeks before last frost

Sow where they are to flower in well cultivated soil in a sunny open site. Sow in rows 30cm (12in) apart and thin out to 6in (15cm) between plants.

For earlier flowering they can be sown indoors at a temperature of 60-65F (15-18C) and transplanted into 7.5cm (3in) pots.

Growing Instructions

Thin out to 6in (15cm) apart when the seedlings are large enough to handle. If sown indoors, gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost.

Aftercare Instructions

Plant in full sun and in ordinary garden soil.

Flamingo Feather Celosia

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 30 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Conservatory, Dried Flower, Greenhouse


Without doubt a very exciting find both for bedding and everlasting flowers. Beautiful plants with soft, dense feathery spikes, produced in profusion. It offers fresh shape and colour to cut flower, or everlasting flower arrangements, with 10-13cm (4-5in) flower spikes on 60cm (24in) stems. Excellent as a flowering pot plant. Flowers summer. Height 60-75cm (24-30in).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:early spring.

Sow at 25-28C (75-80F) in a good seed compost, just covering the seed with compost. After sowing place inside a polythene bag and place in a well lit spot out of direct sun-light until germination which usually takes 14-21 days. Keep the soil damp but not wet.

Growing Instructions

When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant at the 2-3 leaf stage and grow on in cooler conditions. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart in a sunny, sheltered spot in rich, well drained soil. Celosias resent root disturbance so transplant with extra care. They can also be grown in the greenhouse as flowering pot plants in 13cm (5in) pots.

Aftercare Instructions

To dry, pick when the leaves are dry and the flowers not quite fully open, tie in small bunches and hang upside down in a dry, well ventilated place until quite dry.

Icelandic Poppy Mix

Hardy Biennial

  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Height: 12 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Care and Understanding
  • Ideal for: Border, Cut Flower


A spectacular and breezy blend of Iceland Poppies. This free flowering range will eject colour into your summer borders, with its cool citrus colour range. Makes a long lasting cut flower when cut in bud and the stems sealed in hot water.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Outdoors in early spring as soon as soil is workable zone 2-7, fall zone 8-10

Germinate at 18-20C (64-68F) on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Place in a propagator or seal container in a polythene bag until after germination which takes 14-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into trays or 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 15cm (6in) apart. Alternatively, sow in a cool greenhouse or conservatory in late summer/early autumn. Grow on cool in full light and water sparingly before planting out the following spring.

Aftercare Instructions

Prefers a light, well drained soil in full sun.

Black Eyed Susan

The traditional ‘Black Eyed Susan’, a North American Wildflower, is considered an annual (but it is technically a short-lived perennial and may come back for a 2nd or 3rd season). The beautiful 2”-4” wide daisy-like flowers bloom on 1’-3’ tall plants from summer to early fall (for an average of 60 days). Black-Eyed Susans will grow in full sun or partial shade and are the most drought-tolerant of all Rudbeckias. They make excellent cut flowers and do well in containers. Though the plants can’t be guaranteed to come back the following year, they often reseeds themselves – which makes them great plants in naturalized or wildflower areas. This packet covers 20 square feet (for example, a 5’x4’ or 10’x2’ area).

When to plant outside: Early spring 3-4 weeks before average last day of frost. May plant as late as 2 months before first fall frost.

When to start inside: RECOMMENDED. Sow 4 weeks before last spring frost. Indoor sowing is recommended to get blooms the first year.

Yellow Scabiosa

Sow outdoors after the last frost date, 1/8" deep. Or sow indoors 6-8 weeks early (especially recommended for annual scabiosa). Full sun. Easy to grow.

Red Salvia

Half-hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 12 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border


One of the most famous summer annual bedding plants, long flowering, early flowering, compact and neat. It is a frost tender annual. Ideal for bedding and edging. Other excellent sites are windowboxes and tubs. Flowers summer. Height 30cm (12in).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors at least 6-8 weeks before last frost

For best results surface sow on a free draining seed sowing mix. Enclose in a plastic bag and leave in a shady spot for 24-48 hours then cover the seed lightly with sowing mix. Germination usually takes place in 10-14 days at 21-24C (70-75F).

Growing Instructions

When the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant, handling the seeds with care, into 8cm (3in) pots and grow on at 16C (60F), taking care not to overwater. Gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out 30cm (12in) apart in a warm, sunny, well drained spot.

Purple Salvia

Salvia splendens
The new ‘Picante’ landscape salvia was bred to be uniform for timing, habit and flower form. ‘Picante’ sports a larger, more vigorous landscape plant habit than most other salvias. Loads of long-lasting, bushy, light purple coloured spikes will dazzle from June to frost. Height 14-16 inches. (14-16”) Large vigorous landscape plant habit. Bred for early flowering. Uniform, tightly clustered florets mean full appearance and sun protection. Extended Information:
(Splendens) (Scarlet Sage) Annual. 7,500/oz. 12-15 days, 70-75F. Sow on sterilized surface. Do not cover seed. Transplant after first true set of leaves develop. Salvia does not tolerate cold temperature. Grow at 55-60F. Sow January to provide 4” plants for May bedding sales. Sow early February for May pack sales. Usually 8-12 weeks from seed to sales.

Blue Salvia

Half-hardy Perennial

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 8, 9
  • Height: 30 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border, Patio, Tubs


An outstanding plant, which is a variant to the Mexican species. Exquisite large pale blue, hooded flowers on erect stems. Superb in borders, greenhouse or conservatory, and in milder areas tubers can be left outside. Otherwise simply lift plants in the autumn and store similarly to Dahlia tubers until spring, when you can plant them outside again.

Height 60-75cm (24-30 inches).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors at least 6-8 weeks before last frost

Sow seed in pots or trays of moist seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Keep at a temperature of between 15-20C (59-68F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination usually takes 14-30 days.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3in) pots or trays. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 45cm (18in) apart. For best results, provide any ordinary, well-drained soil in full sun.

Moonshadow Sunflower

The prized white Sunflower has never looked so beautiful! 'Moonshadow' is the whitest yet, with color so clean it tinges yellow-green at the base, and occasional hints at appleblossom near the tips. These 4-inch blooms arise on very well-branched plants just 4 feet high, and are so long-lasting that they keep their fresh appearance for up to 3 weeks in garden or vase. Unbeatable for distinctive, long-lasting summer color!

The blooms arise in clusters on this multibranched plant, which reaches 2 to 3 feet wide. Cut all you like -- 'Moonshadow' has flowers to spare! Pollen-free so they won't make a mess on your table, They are also the perfect Sunflower for dyeing.

Pastiche Sunflowers

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Edible flowers
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border, Children, Cut Flower


A comprehensive mixture of sunflower colors in a host of evening sun shades - yellows, reds and buff, some with a bright yellow or a deep red disc. These medium sized flower heads (approx. 10-13cm (4-5in) in diameter), make fantastic cut flowers, lasting for a long time in water and help to give height and stature in the border. Flowers summer. Height 122-150cm (48-60in).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Outdoors after last frost. May also be sown indoors 2-4 weeks before last frost.
Sowing depth:12mm (½in) deep in rows 30cm (12in) apart

Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Germination usually takes around 21 days.

Sowing can also be done indoors in early spring, sow the seed individually in 7.5cm (3in) pots. Germination takes 1-2 weeks at 20C (70F). Gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost has gone.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, thin out the seedlings to 30cm (12in) apart. They prefer a sunny open site but will grow in most soils.

Kitchen Notes

The green buds before the flower opens are delicious cooked in butter sauce and the seeds make a tasty snack.

Green Envy Zinnia

Annual. Blooms summer to fall frost. 2' - 3' tall. Full sun.Very easy to grow. For long hot summers, nothing beats Zinnias for brilliant color and a long blooming period. Susceptible to mildew in humid climates. In all climates, it is preferable to water by soaking the ground (not from overhead) to keep leaves dry. Making sure that sprinklers do not hit them overnight or in the early morning will help prevent mildew. Fairly drought tolerant when established, it likes a rich, deep, well-drained soil. Low-maintenance plant - but deadheading will increase blooms. Attracts butterflies! OUTDOORS: Sow in late spring 2 weeks after average last frost date. (Zinnias don't benefit from being planted early. Sow outside after weather is warm or start inside.) INSIDE: Sow 4-6 weeks before average last spring frost. SPECIAL GERMINATION INSTRUCTIONS: None. Zinnias are easy to grow from seed!"

Scarlet Flame Zinnia

Annual. Blooms summer to fall frost. 2' - 3' tall. Full sun. 'Scarlet Flame' is a tall fiery red flower that suits its name well. Its traffic-stopping color is amazing when planted in mass. Very easy to grow. For long hot summers, nothing beats Zinnias for brilliant color and a long blooming period. Susceptible to mildew in humid climates. In all climates, it is preferable to water by soaking the ground (not from overhead) to keep leaves dry. Making sure that sprinklers do not hit them overnight or in the early morning will help prevent mildew. Fairly drought tolerant when established, it likes a rich, deep, well-drained soil. Low-maintenance plant - but deadheading will increase blooms. If you are often tired of the cool pinks and pastels of early summer by August and September, Plant 'Scarlet Flame' this year for its rich red glow that keeps going until hit by a good frost. Delightful as a cut flower. Attracts butterflies! OUTDOORS: Sow in late spring 2 weeks after average last frost date. (Zinnias don't benefit from being planted early. Sow outside after weather is warm or start inside.) INSIDE: Sow 4-6 weeks before average last spring frost. SPECIAL GERMINATION INSTRUCTIONS: None. Zinnias are easy to grow from seed!"

Purple Long Eggplant

70-80 days.
Oriental-type, slender, dark purple fruits are best used before 8-10" long.
Each 24-30" plant produces 8 or more eggplants.

When to start inside: RECOMMENDED. 8-12 weeks before the average last frost. To germinate quickly, seed requires VERY warm soil temperatures, between 80 and 90 degrees F. Either use a heating cable or cover the seed tray with a plastic bag to contain warmth. Transplant seedlings outside 1 to 2 weeks after last frost.

Waltham Broccoli

The standard open-polinated broccoli. Nicely formed stocky plants 20 inches in height yield dark blue-green mid-sized heads. Also produces a large number of side shoots after harvest. A fine choice for a late fall/winter harvest. (85 Days)

Special Directions for Short Season Climates

SOWING: Start seed indoors from early spring in pots, or sow directly into the garden after danger of serious frost has passed. Cover seeds with 1/8 inch of fine soil.

SPACING: Space plants l8 to 24 inches apart in rows spaced 2 to 3 feet apart depending upon available room.

THINNING AND TRANSPLATING: Thin or transplant seedlings when 2 inches tall. Transplant indoor started seedlings, after hardening off and danger of serious frost has passed.

GERMINATION: 7 to 10 days. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed's Special Advice

Broccoli grows best in a mostly sunny location during the cooler parts of the growing season. Prefers fairly rich soil kept somewhat moist. Cut the main head when buds are still tight. Continue to harvest side shoots for small heads ideal for salads or stir-fry. Broccoli can be sown mid to late summer for a fall or winter crop in mild weather areas.

Red Poppy

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Height: 30 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border, Cottage Garden


An exclusive selection made from 'Angels Choir', Papaver Picotee Mixed comes in a range of colors including red, rose, pink and salmon shades. All complement one another in a mixture of bi-colors and picotees. Suitable for broadcast sowing in borders.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Early spring as soon as soil is workable to mid spring or early fall in mild winter areas
Sowing depth:3mm (1/8in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.

Sow thinly in well-cultivated soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Water ground regularly, especially in dry periods.

Can also be sown outdoors in August to September for early summer flowering next year.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 15cm (6in) apart.


  • Flowers: Summer to frost
  • Position: Sun or part shade
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 8 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border


A superb separate pastel bi-color with cream and peach snapdragons, this Antirrhinum is borne on compact, dwarf plants. Ideal for containers and bedding.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out after last frost zones 2-7, autumn zones 8-10

Germinate at 20-30C (68-86F) on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed sowing mix. Do not cover the seed. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a plastic bag until after germination which usually takes 10-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into trays or 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 23-30cm (9-12in) apart.

Aftercare Instructions

Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage further blooming.

Boy 'O' Boy Mixed Marigold

Half-hardy Annual

  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 10 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Edible flowers
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Children, Cut Flower, Patio, Tubs


An outstanding French Marigold because of the wonderful anemone-like flowers of mahogany-red. Their garden performance, uniformity, early flowering and basal branching make them a summer garden necessity.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors 6-8 weeks before last spring frost or outdoors after last frost

Sow at 21 -24C (70-75F) in a good seed sowing mix. Just cover the seed with sowing mix and keep the mix damp but not wet. Germination usually takes 5-14 days.

Growing Instructions

When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant and grow in cooler conditions. Gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost 18in apart in a sunny spot.

Aftercare Instructions

Deadhead regualrly to promote blooming.

Killimanjaro White Marigolds

Tagetes seeds: Marigold erecta Kilimanjaro White

Half-hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 18 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Edible flowers
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border, Children, Pot Plant


'Kilimanjaro White' is a triumph in Marigold breeding!

A real creamy white flowered Marigold. At last something different in the color spectrum from oranges and lemons. Flowers are pure in color, 7.5cm (3in) across and prolific too. There is also a master stroke - 'Kilimanjaro' has less of the pungent Marigold smell. A definite improvement! Use them in formal or informal bedding, where they will contrast superbly with other bright or pastel flowers. A refreshing plant for the patio container too. Flowers summer. Hgt 46-60cm (18-24in).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors 6-8 weeks before last spring frost or outdoors after last frost

Sow in a good seed sowing mix just covering the seed with sowing mix. Germination takes 5-14 days at 21-24C (70-75F).

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, and grow on in cooler conditions. When well grown gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions and plant out in late spring after all risk of frost has passed 30cm (12in) apart in full sun and well drained soil.

Aftercare Instructions

Deadhead regularly to prolong blooming

Kitchen Notes

The flowers taste of orange or lemon. Use in sandwiches, salads, seafood, chowders and hot desserts. Write to us for a free leaflet with recipes for a wide range of edible flowers.

Money Plant

Usually grown for its translucent 'silver dollar' like seed pods as a dried flower. It blooms with lightly scented purple or white flowers which slowly transform into money plant. It is also known as "Honesty", Satin Flower and Moon Wort.

Special Directions for Short Season Climates

SOWING: Sow seeds in place, in permanent location, covering seed with 1/4 inch fine soil. Plants may bloom and form pods if started in early spring. Can also be started in mid to late summer for blooms the following year.

THINNING AND SPACING: When seedlings are about 3 inches tall, thin to about a foot apart.

GERMINATION: About 2 weeks. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed's Special Advice

Plant in a mostly sunny or partly shady location. Plants thrive with neglect in average garden soil. Cut stems of plants as soon as seed pods start to turn brown. Strip leaves from plants and hang small bunches of plants upside down in a dry, shady spot. You may also need to carefully rub off outside of pod to reveal the silvery center.

Baby's Breath

Hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 10 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Baskets, Bedding, Border, Containers, Patio, Tubs


Say "goodbye" to Marigolds and Petunias and "hello" to Gypsophila! Transform your baskets, containers and bedding with this superb, top quality annual. Neat, compact mounds absolutely smothered in semi to fully-double pink flowers, gracing your summer garden. Useful for the rock garden or edging borders and excellent for hanging baskets, window-boxes tubs etc. A real joy to see and worth every penny! Awarded a Fleuroselect Quality Mark and All America Selections Winner. Flowers summer. Height 20-25cm (8-10in). Spread 20-25cm (8-10in).

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors, 6-8 weeks before last frost

Sow in a good seed sowing mix. Don't cover the seed with sowing mix as light is beneficial to germination. Sealing in a plastic bag after sowing is also helpful. Germination takes 5-14 days at 21-24C (70-75F).

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, and grow on in cooler conditions. When well grown, gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions and plant out in late spring after all risk of frost has passed 23cm (8in) apart in full sun and well drained soil.

Echinacea Purpurea

Hardy Perennial

  • Flowers: Mid Summer to Autumn
  • Position: Full sun
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Height: 48 inches
  • Germination: Experience Useful
  • Aftercare: Care and Understanding
  • Special Features: Flowers in first year
  • Ideal for: Border, Cut Flower, Wildlife


Pink Parasol has stunning, large, deep purplish-pink blooms, with contrasting orange cones standing proudly above strong stems. Each bloom can reach 7-10cm (3-4in) in diameter compared to other varieties only reaching a diameter of 5-7cm (2-3in).

Once established, bushy plants produce clusters of stems adding height to your borders, attracting butterflies and beneficial insects to your garden, as well as making dramatic long lasting cut flowers.

Height 90-120cm (3-4ft)

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Feb-June (February sowings will flower in first year)
Sowing depth:Surface sow

Sow Feb-June (February sowings will flower in first year). Sow seeds onto the surface of a good, free-draining, damp, seed sowing mix. Cover with a very fine sprinkling of sowing mix or vermiculite. Place sown container in a propagator or seal container inside a plastic bag at a temperature of 15-20C (59-68F) until after germination which usually takes 10-21 days. Do not exclude light as this helps germination.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into trays or 7.5cm (3in) pots. Gradually acclimatize young plants to cooler conditions for a few weeks before planting out after all risk of frost, 45cm (18in) apart.

Aftercare Instructions

For best results, provide any ordinary, well-drained soil in full sun.

Patio Dahlias

Half-hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Border, Cut Flower


Dating back to the late 1700's, many Dahlias are natives of Mexico and were used by the Aztecs for medicinal and animal food. Now, they make excellent border plants, and long lasting cut flowers. 'Border Species' blooms in shades of yellow, red and lilac-purple.

Subject to harvest, this packet includes
D. coccinea
D. merckii
D. sherifii
D. tenuicaulis.

Seed has not been harvested from the wild. Height 5 feet. Planting distance 27 inches.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:Indoors 8-10 weeks before last spring frost
Sowing depth:6mm (¼in)

Sow at 20-25C (70-75F) in a good seed sowing mix. Make sure that the mix is moist but not wet and seal in a plastic bag after sowing. Germination usually takes 7-10 days.

Growing Instructions

Transplant when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots and grow cool and well lit. To ensure that you grow all the species in the mix, transplant all the seedlings whether large or small. Gradually acclimatize to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost 30cm (12in) apart in rich, moist soil and a sunny, sheltered spot.

Aftercare Instructions

Lift the tubers in the autumn before the frosts dry off and store in a cool, dry, frost free place through the winter.


These were saved from a Candy Stripe plant that was located near many other cosmos varieties.

Half Hardy Annual

  • Flowers: Summer into fall
  • Position: Full sun
  • Height: 48 inches
  • Ideal for: Border


This wonderful mixture contains a full range of flower forms and colors and includes much-sought-after picotées and stripes. An easy-to-grow annual which will flower all summer and its height means that it will make a superb backdrop to your borders or a long-lasting and pretty addition to flower arrangements! Height: 40-48in.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:March to May

Sow seed on the surface of a good, free- draining, damp, seed compost. Cover with a very fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag and place at a temperature of 68-77F until after germination which usually takes 7-14 days. Do not exclude light as this helps germination.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into trays or 3in pots. Gradually acclimatise plants to cooler conditions for a few weeks before planting out after all risk of frost, 12-18in apart.

Aftercare Instructions

Prefers a sunny position in light, well-drained soil.

Fresh Look Celosia

  • Flowers: Summer
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Height: 14 inches
  • Ideal for: Bedding, Pot Plant


These ideal partners will add a refreshing flow to your summer bedding displays or containers. Traditionally used as a pot plant, new breeding has turned Celosia Fresh Look into an outstanding garden performer, flowering non-stop all summer long.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:February to April.

Sow seeds in pots or trays of moist seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Place in a propagator or warm place, and keep at a constant temperature of between 24-27C (75-80F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination will usually take 14 to 21 days.

Growing Instructions

When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3 inch) pots or trays. Gradually acclimatise young plants to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 23cm (9 inches) apart, or transplant into containers.

Aftercare Instructions

For best results, provide a rich, well-drained soil in full sun.

Angelonia Plant File

Angelonia is another one of those plants that had been around a while without any fanfare until breeders began to work with them and produced several new and improved hybrids. Now angelonia, sometimes called summer snapdragons, is the perfect plant for those who have hot, humid summers and want something light and delicate for borders and baskets. It will bloom all summer with little attention from the gardener.

Angelonia angustifolia and recent hybrids with Angelonia integerrima are tender perennials that originally came from South America. They have narrow, toothed leaves and small, one-inch-wide flowers in shades of blue, lavender, pink and white. Angelonia flowers look like relaxed snapdragons with open throats. They have a slight, fruity scent. Angelonia is hardy in zones 8 and above but is killed by the first hint of frost in the North.

Growing angelonia
Until recently there were no angelonia seeds available to gardeners, and plants were usually propagated by cuttings in the greenhouse because seed germination was slow and unreliable. Now there is one variety of angelonia on the market that gardeners can start at home from seed: the Serena series. The seed needs warmth and light for germination.

Start angelonia seed six to eight weeks before your last expected frost. Press angelonia seed down on moist seed-starting medium and don’t cover. Keep temperatures above 70 degrees F and plants should germinate in about two weeks. Angelonia seed is still expensive, and most gardeners will want to start with plants.

Angelonia likes moist but well-drained soil,and full sun. It thrives in hot, sunny areas. Angelonia is moderately drought resistant, but don’t let it go too long before watering. One of the nice things about angelonia is that it doesn’t require deadheading to bloom almost continuously through the summer. If it does seem to be looking a little lanky, cut it back by about half to promote branching and a new flush of blooms. Give angelonia some extended-release fertilizer at planting and again two months later if your growing season is long. Angelonia has few insect or disease problems.

Angelonia grows about two feet high and makes a loose, bushy plant about a foot wide. Space plants for bedding color about eight inches apart and they will remain more upright.

Newer varieties of angelonia don’t require staking but may benefit from a light pinching now and then to promote bushiness.

If you are a gardener in Zone 7 and lower, you can overwinter your favorite angelonia plant inside. Pot it up and move the pot inside to a warm, sunny area well before cool weather sets in. As the days get shorter, angelonia will stop blooming and should be cut back to about half. Keep it in the warmest, sunniest place you have and let the pot dry between watering, but don‘t let it get too dry. As the days get longer, about March, fertilize it and water more frequently. Angelonia will bloom inside if it gets enough light. Do not put it outside again until the nights are warm and there is no danger of frost. Angelonia roots fairly easily from tip cuttings and you may want to start more plants about six weeks before your last frost.

'Blue Angel' Angelonia

Sow at about 74 degrees F. They'll sprout in less than a week, at which time you can grow them on at any soil temperature between 68 and 80 degrees F. Transplant into the sunny garden when they have at least 2 sets of true leaves and all danger of frost is past. They bloom 13 to 14 weeks from sowing. Pkt is 10 pelleted seeds.

Sun Exposure:
Full Sun
Soil Moisture:
Moist, well-drained
Soil Types/Tolerance:
Normal, loamy

Monday, February 02, 2009

Summer Savory

Repels insects in the gardens which makes it a candidate for companion plantings.

Used as a peppery flavoring for salads, soups, stuffing, sausage, and gravy.

Surface sow as it requires light to germinate.

70 days. Satureja hortensis. Annual. Plant produces a peppery flavor leaves. Excellent for flavoring cabbage, beans, peas, and lentil dishes. It often called the bean herb. Also used as a medicinal herb for making tea for sore throats. Plant Height: 18" tall. pk/100 Sunlight: Partial Shade/Sun Planting Instructions: Plant seeds ¼" deep. Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil. Germination: 12-18 days at 70°F

Big Mountain Parsley

Dark green, finely curled voluminous leaves on long thick stems. High yielding and stays green longer than any other parsley, without yellowing. Its robust habit allows for all the year round production, as 'Big Mountain' withstands both hot and cool conditions, also over-winters extremely well.

Plain or Single Parsley

Biennial Herb. An outstanding variety of parsley for flavoring soups and stews. Its flavor improves with successive cuttings. Very easy to grow and high in vitamins A and C.

Days to Germination
21 - 28
Planting Depth
0.25 -0.25
Plant Height
10 - 16
Plant Spacing
10 - 10


Soak the seeds 24 hours before sowing. Sow seeds as soon as ground can be worked. (For early bloom, start indoors 6 weeks before transplanting.) When plants are well-established, thin or transplant. Cut only 2 or 3 stems from a plant as required for use.

Extra Triple Curled Parsley

Biennial Herb. Highly decorative, both in the garden and for garnishing. Use leaves in salads, casseroles and omelets. Sweetens breath after eating onions or garlic. Parsley's flavor improves with successive cuttings.

Days to Germination
21 - 28
Planting Depth
0.25 -0.25
Plant Height
12 - 16
Plant Spacing
10 - 10
Preserve By
Freezing & Drying


For earlier harvest, start indoors. Or, after all danger of frost, sow outdoors. Thin or transplant when a few inches tall.


For later use, freeze leaves or dry them in the shade. Interplant parsley with roses and tomatoes to enhance vigor of both. Soak seeds overnight in warm water to speed germination.

Greek Oregano

Green with blue-green hue
2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
Container Planting:

Cultural Requirements:

USDA Zones:
5 to 9
Propagation / Germination:
Needs light to germinate. Sow on surface and press in lightly. Average germination 50%. Germinates in 7 to 21 days at 60F. Sow in flats or pots and transplant to garden.
Full sun
Pests and Diseases:
None noted