Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wizard Mix Coleus

Greenhouse Herbaceous Perennial
  • Position: Sun or part shade
  • Soil: Well drained
  • Zones: 10
  • Height: 18 inches
  • Germination: Easy
  • Aftercare: Easy
  • Special Features: Attractive foliage
  • Ideal for: Conservatory, Greenhouse, Pot Plant
A superior mixture and selection. Dwarfer, more base branching, without the need to 'pinch out'.

Sowing Instructions

Sowing time:any time of year.

Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed sowing mix in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 70-75F (20-25C). Surface sow and do not exclude light. Germination usually takes 7-21 days.

Growing Instructions

Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Pot on as required into 13cm (5in) and finally 20cm (8in) pots.

Aftercare Instructions

Provide a temperature of 5-10C (40-50F) through the winter.


Rex Krajewski said...

Started seeds indoors on 1 February 2009.

Rex Krajewski said...

Seeds germinated 10 February 2009.