Sunday, December 28, 2008


This interesting salad green can be eaten raw or cooked, like spinach. The round, fleshy leaves are high in vitamin C. Miners during the California gold rush ate it to prevent scurvy--also called Miners' Lettuce. The leaves have a distinctive peppery flavor.
Cold-hardy salad green.
Quantities of heart-shaped leaf pairs, each "wrapped" around a white-flowered stem. Hardiest of the winter salad greens, can tolerate moderate frost and can be grown all winter in mild regions or in cold greenhouses. The taste of the young leaves is wild and fresh. Suitable for multiple cuttings. Direct seed about 1/2" apart, covering 1/4", rows 12" apart, or transplant carefully from containers. Thin to 4-6" apart. MINI: 0.2 gm., avg. 300 seeds, sows 12’. Avg. 47,000 seeds/oz. Mini: 300 seeds.
Plant Cycle: (A) Days to Maturity or Bloom: 40

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