Sunday, June 11, 2006

This is the rose bush that was the first to bloom. I swear I didn't drip dark pink paint on the light pink blossoms, that is just the way they look.

Tiffany Rose

This rose is a beautiful as the girl that shares her name :)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Brise d'Anjou

This is a beautiful, variegated version of Jacob's Ladder--Brise d'Anjou.

Fleur de Lis

Another of my beloved Batik Iris...this one looks like a fleur de lis.

Red Rose

My roses have started to bloom. I will post pictures of all of them eventually, but this is a rose that was already here when we bought the house. I looks like an archetype, red, climbing rose.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Iris Corner

Irises, alliums, and and more in the corner of the front garden.

After the Storm

How apropos: After the Storm irises after the storm. You can even see the raindrops on the petals.

More Baboon Bottom Irises

I have been talking about them in this blog so much that it is about time they bloomed in my garden. I waited for the rain to stop for just a moment to stap these pictures.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Blue Windflowers

These have been up for a while, in bunches of blues and white, as windflowers are early spring bloomers. I had some up earlier (I think they were my first blooms of the year) that were pink, white, and yellow.

Yellow Sun Scabiosa

I'll post more images of this one as it matures, but I couldn't resist including this first little blossom. I love the green and soft yellow of this variety of one of my Beloved's favorite flowers. I'm excited for the pink variety, Pink Mist, to bloom next to it, as I love to see soft pink and yellow flowers together.


Go ahead, you know you want to sing it! If you don't know any of the lyrics beyond "edelweiss. edelweiss," and if you would like to enjoy some musical accompaniment, check out this lyric page. Now, I grow edelweiss because I fancy it the flower of my German people, but, in fact, it is grown all over the world, including Asia and North America.